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Dog Name
2 year old
Jindo Mix

Name : Se-ah

Weight : 15.55kg

Age : 2-year old

Sex : Princess

Breed : Jindo Mix

How Skittish : shows belly

Escape Artist : no

<Personality Scales>

❤❤❤❤❤ Female Adult Friendly

❤❤❤❤❤ Male Adult Friendly

❤❤❤❤❤ Kid Friendly

❤❤❤❤❤ Other Dog Friendly

❤❤❤❤❤ Small Dog Friendly

🐱🐱🐱* Cat Friendly(TBD)

🔋🔋🔋🔋Energy Level

<None> Resource Guarding

💪💪💪 Pulling on Leash

<None> Separation Anxiety

<Rescue Story>

There was an incident reported.

An alcoholic animal abuser beat two Jindo/Jindo mix dogs with a shovel.

One of those two dogs were found dead at the scene but Se-ah was found tied up at the scene.

Se-ah came to this monster's house when she was only 2 months old.

All she was allowed were an area that she could roam with a 3-foot long chain and food waste the owner threw out to them to eat.

She was badly wounded, barely holding onto her will to live.

When found, the rescuers had to lean over to hear her weak whimpering.

Her nose and mouth were bubbling out with foamy blood.

Her head and lower right jaw were bleeding out from being stabbed with the shovel.

She limped in her left paw probably from being physically abused.

KAWA, along with government officials, contacted the owner to have her surrendered.

During the recovery, It broke everyone's heart to see her shivering from constant fear.

Broken bones fused well and her bruised skin turn to normal.

At first, she had extreme fear against male humans.

<After Rescue>

But, slowly opened her heart to humans again and finished her rehabilitation/socialization/obedience training.

She will jump in your arms and give you kisses until you give in and give her non-stop belly rubs.

She loves other dogs as well. a little too much at times.

Unsocialized dogs might be baffled by her non-stop play bows but she has no intention to harm anyone.

The sign of abuse is still there.

Her left front paw is slightly crooked.

But it does not stop her perky personality.

She is not in pain and she doesn't limp.

She is an extroverted and energetic furbaby you've been dreaming of for a long time.

If you are an outgoing and adventure-seeking person, she will be your missing piece in life!

She is always happy and jolly to see humans.

But, she gets a little down and sad when the sun goes down.

When the sun goes down, all the workers/rescuers/trainers at the facility will leave for their homes.

Her beginning was rough and wrong but she deserves a home that won't leave her alone when it gets dark.

A home that she can relax with her own furmom/furdad.

Please visit our website to see more pictures of her!

Personality Test Scale
Male Adult
Female Adult
Other Dogs
Small Dog
Energy Level
How Skittish
Behavior Analysis Scale; the fewer hearts the better
Resource Guarding
Separation Anxiety
Pulling on Leash
Escape Artist
For More Pictures and Videos of
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